The happenings "inside" the Wisconsin State Treasury and across the street at the State Capitol

Archive for January 17, 2012

Treasurer’s Top 5: Clark County

Well it looks like there are some people in Clark County who have some unclaimed property. We’d love to return it to you, so here’s the top 5 people in Clark County who have money/assets that belong to them but they don’t know it! Have you searched for your missing cash? (

Clark County

Irene Rogers – Greenwood

Dorothy Brown – Neilsville

Barbara Urban – Neilsville

Joan Dixon – Withee

Raymond Hodgden – Granton

 If you or someone you know is on this list, please let them know they need to make a claim with the office. They can also call us at 877-699-9211

Hearing Tomorrow on Statute 177 Changes

As I pointed out last December, the State Legislature is considering some important changes to Statute 177, the Unclaimed Property Statute. Since that time, 3 Assembly bills have been introduced that are equivalent to SBs 294,295, and 296. They are ABs 417, 418, and 419, and they are sponsored by Rep. Bill Kramer (R-97).

AB 417 was referred to the Assembly Committee on Judiciary and Ethics, and will likely have a hearing in early February.

ABs 418 and 419 were placed in the Assembly Committee on Homeland Security and State Affairs. These 2 bills will have a hearing tomorrow, at which I will testify.

SBs 294, 295, and 296 were referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Utilities, Commerce, and Government Operations, and will hopefully have a hearing soon.

Tomorrow, I will post a copy of my testimony.